DHT and UDP ports Azureus


I\'ve switched from Bit Lord to Azureus as I could not get BL to seed to DC. All appears okay and I\'ve now started sharing in begineer mode after redownloading the tracker \"headers\"!.

However despite opening a specific UDP port in my firewall and router Azureus still shows a DHT warning in the lower info bar as a NAT/Firewall problem.

Is DHT and UDP at some point essential to good running, or can I just close off these ports and run with TCP. I\'m running in beginner mode because were Torrents are concerned it best decribes me.
It may be that you need to Port Forward those ports to your internal machine, not just allow them.

I\'m running a LEAF Bering box, and I have forwarded the appropriate TCP and UDP traffic for Azureus to my machine.
Eh, you can disable DHT if you like, it makes little difference unless you\'re trying to download \"trackerless\" torrents.

Technically speaking, DHT makes every client basically its own tracker, in a sense. (For instance, if a regular tracker goes down or if there isn\'t one at all, you can still keep downloading the files.

TorrentSpy has a great page on trackerless torrents if you want to know more.

To disable it in Azureus, goto Tools -> Options and select Connection. Under the Peer Sources table, uncheck everything except \"From a tracker\". This should resolve those pesky messages from popping up.