Moving files on my computer


Ok...I have a question about moving files around on my computer.

I downloaded a couple of files to my desktop as opposed to my video file. After I moved the file, I wanted to open it up again for seeding for other people but Opera (my bit torrent client) just said \"error\" and nothing happened.

I found if I moved the file back to the file\'s original location (the desktop) I could open it for seeding and it worked just fine again.

So my question it possible to move files on a hard drive from one folder to another and then use the file for seeding (or leeching) again? If yes, how can I do this?

Thanks for the Help
Yes... The \"easy\" way would be to move the files, DL the torrent again, but save it to the new location. As long as it\'s the same file, it should notice that and switch over immediately to seeding.

That\'s what I always do, hopefully Opera won\'t delete the file and redownload it. You can always try it with a copy and make sure it works.

Hope that helps...
Well, Opera didnt notice when I moved the file to a new location. It looked at the files original location and when it didn\'t find the file, it the bit torrent client said Error.

However when I tried to DL the torrent again in to the new location, Opera found the file and didn\'t redownload it. So that method seem to work fine.

Thanks for the help.